Sunday, September 1, 2013

Peace or Drama

I watch my children interact and at times they start to create drama. I often hear, "he was mean to me," or, "she pinched me."  On a very important level, this type of conflict is helpful to their development.  They learn to work through conflict and they are better prepared for their adult lives.   As we become adults, it is important to recognize that some people have developed that skill better than others.   What you learn (or don't learn) as children sets the stage for when you are an adult.   If you were taught to fight in order to survive, you will continue that trend as an adult.  If you were taught to be diplomatic, you will be able to negotiate around conflict and move on to better things.  Fighting may feel necessary when you feel attacked but it can add to the drama in your life and it is often the end to many important relationships.  Eventually, one of the people involved in the drama will get tired of the friction and move on.   If you have drama in your life, try to step back and mentally assess your situation.  Does the conflict remind you of your childhood in any way? Do you have a pattern of attracting conflict? Do you react in defensiveness when you feel someone is being unfair or do you step back and try to decide on a healthy course of action?  Is the person/s in your life that cause drama healthy for you?  Will participating in that drama help you in any way?  Once you have taken that good inner look, ask God or your angels to assist you in your relationships with others.  Try to approach your relationships  from a centered place.  This will allow you to see the big picture and that allows you to create peace instead of drama. © August 2013 Nancy Hickman, M.Ed., LLC

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