Monday, July 29, 2013

The Gift of Intution

I sometimes have people ask me if using my intuition is evil.  Aside from the implications about my moral character, I can understand the question.  Fear of the unknown can be hard to overcome. Some religions and some of society have placed negative connotations regarding the use of intuition and even imply it can be evil.  Psychic means to be of spirit. Though we exist in a physical body, we are all also here because of the existence of our spirit.  Our culture often promotes the more tangible/material things as important.  We should have the best home, car, clothes, etc.  Though none of those things will greet us on the other side and none of those things feed the soul.  Using your intuition connects you to your spirit within.  It opens the door of communication to that fundamental part of you that often gets ignored when we explore material pursuits.   Connecting to our intuition is a natural process that happens within all of us when we quiet the mind and listen.  For some of us it comes in dreams or in fleeting moments of deeper awareness.  We ignore it or embrace it all according to what we feel comfortable with emotionally.

As with anything, intention is what is key to making intuition a positive gift of the person accessing it.  If you see intuition as a gift, you recognize it is there to help improve the quality of life of yourself and others.  It should be used for the good of those you connect with and never used to hold power over another.  People use many things in life with the wrong intention.  We have the potential to use money, position, and things in a way that can be hurtful to others.  If you are using your intuition as a gift, you know not to intrude on others with your ability and you practice using your spiritual connection in a loving way. 

So no, using your intuition is not an evil practice.  As with anything, what is important to remember is that each person using their intuition may have different values and apply it differently.  Use your own intuition to discern what is right for you.  My prayer to God is, show me what you want for me.  When I turn to God, I'm led to where I need to be.  May He always guide and protect you as well. © Nancy Hickman

Intuition is as natural as flowers in bloom.


  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Thank you Nancy for sharing your insights....and never fear what others think of you or your are such a blessing to us who appreciate what you have to say and share...for those who don't understand, well, they are on a different spritual path and hopefully grow in the understanding that God places beautiful people like you on this planet for a reason. Keep caring...keep sharing!
