Monday, August 12, 2013

A Time and a Season

This morning I heard that "there is a time and a season to everything".  I was shown connections to people and the recognition that some people come into our lives to stay and some come just for a season.  On a spiritual level, we are meant to connect with and learn from certain people.  Those encounters can teach us a life time of lessons or the connection can be meant to only last for a small amount of time.  Once we complete our lesson together, we may be destined to move on in separate directions.  Sometimes it can be hard to let go of a connection because we develop emotional attachments to people; however, hanging on to something that isn't meant to be can cause us more pain in the long run. 

How do we know when to move on?  Sometimes we have to pray for clarity.  At others we have to trust and let go.  If a relationship is meant to be in our lives, we should not have to grasp at it emotionally  to maintain the connection.   No relationship goes smoothly at all times; however, it is always important that the relationship be built on mutual respect and consideration. 

When a relationship leaves your life, or changes into a different one, learn to release it with love.  If your efforts to keep it together are not reciprocated, it may be your sign to let it go.  Acknowledge the lessons you learned from it and ask yourself if there is anything you would do differently?  Do you owe an amends?  Did you engage in the relationship knowing it wasn't a healthy choice?  Once you do that,  release it with love.  If it is meant to be, it will come back to you.  If it doesn't, it likely is not meant to be.

© Nancy Hickman, M.Ed., LLC

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