Thursday, August 1, 2013

Talking to Your Deceased Loved Ones

Last night at dinner with some wonderful ladies, we were discussing how it is now that their loved ones have passed.  Some were talking about dreams they've had and signs they experienced.  Everyone was discussing how normal it is for them to connect with their loved ones.  Not only is it healing for them but it is healing for the people they lost.

When your loved ones pass over, they are sometimes dealing with unresolved issues and emotions.  They are still concerned about how their passing affects you and those they loved.  They can hear and see you and often feel your emotions.  They will even slow their own transition out of concern for those they love.  If you have a hard time letting go because of your grief, they often want to stay and comfort you.

There is no set formula for grieving; however, the most important thing you can do is give them permission to move on.  When you do that, they don't "leave you" for good.  They actually begin their healing and transition process which makes them stronger.  They will still watch over you and your loved ones.  They will still give you signs they are there and they will still say "hi" in your dreams.  Most likely more so, the further along you are on your own healing process.

It is also important to know that talking to your loved one is normal and they do hear you.  Tell them your feelings and offer forgiveness and love.  They will get the message.  You can even close your eyes, imagine them before you and mentally tell them how you feel.  This is very healing and freeing for them.  Can you imagine how it would be to be able to see and talk to your loved ones but they don't see and talk to you?  Always remember, when you talk to them, it makes them happy because their love for you never goes away. 

© Nancy Hickman

I love you even more, now that I have my wings.


  1. Sometimes I talk to loved ones while walking my dog. May look a little nutty, but we both enjoy it ;)

  2. This is so important to know...I am so sharing this with someone who is still struggling after several years after her husband's death. I hope this helps her.

  3. This is just as I thought it would be. I talk to Brian all the time and now I listen to him too. Thank you for this.
