Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gaining Perspective

In meditation I saw some swirling energy.  The energy cleared away and I saw a woman sitting on a mountain top in a grassy area reading some scrolls.  The message is that "we can sometimes get confused by the situations around us.  At times it is necessary to seek a higher perspective to gain the knowledge we need to go forward."  It can be important to temporarily remove yourself from situations that overwhelm you emotionally to gain a new perspective.  Though we often want to act, the most prudent thing to do at times is to sit patiently for the wisdom to act in the most appropriate manner.  If you find yourself feeling off balance by a situation, pull away and take time for prayer and reflection.   The intuition you need to act appropriately will come when you are able to quiet your mind and listen.
© Nancy Hickman, M.Ed., LLC

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