We all hear these loving words from time to time. Some of us just don't always recognize that inner voice is not always our own. Loved ones will put thoughts in our head to help and reassure us but we might not always perceive those thoughts as from them. They may be the thought in our head that tells us not to go somewhere at a certain time. Then we find out there was an accident in that spot that evening. They may tell us a relationship is turning unhealthy or to be cautious of someone. Those little warnings and gut feelings are a gift from your loved ones. Their way of watching over us to try to positively influence our thinking.
Sitting in that field, I was quiet and open to listening. That made it easier for me to hear. We are more likely to hear their messages if we allow ourselves to be quiet and clear our head of worries. The words whispered to me have definitely prevented accidents, provided me with health information, warned me that my kids needed me and more. What have you heard from your loved ones when you take the time to quiet your mind and listen?
© Nancy Hickman, M.Ed. LLC
I have passed and I'm ok. Here is a picture of where you left (what ever it was). It will be a bumpy ride, but you will be ok. Tell your mom there is black ice on the road ahead. So, many things ....